Monday, January 9, 2012

Fairy Tales and Flight Attendants = Shameless Entertainment on ABC Sunday Nights

I'm a sucker for movies and television shows. I have loved storytelling on the screen for as long as I can remember. That being said, I am also easily entertained. I can find a reason to fall in love with most TV shows, especially the formulaic sitcoms and melodramas, and genuinely enjoy most movies (as long as they are not a horror, thriller, or scary in any way... those you would have to pay me a lot to even watch in the first place).

This season, I have found a couple new ABC network dramas that I am enthralled by week to week. One of those shows is ABC's Once Upon A Time, bringing the magic of fairy tales to the modern world and keeping alive those stories of love, heroism, and hope. Each show surprises with its clever ways of incorporating a new tale, a new character, and a new take on the classic stories that we all know and love. And I'm not gonna lie, I love a good fairy tale. Definitely worth a watch!

Another show that hits home with my secret fascination with an era is ABC's Pan Am. The period drama follows the lives of several Pan Am Airways flight attendants and pilots in the 1960s, when flying was glamorous and the Pan Am lifestyle was envied. Not only is the show well-cast and -acted, everything from the amazing fashions to the details of capturing such a glamorized and glorified time in history make this show great. Each episode is epic and travels the world touching on history, politics, culture, character... like watching a little movie every week!

Both shows are available to watch full episodes at or on Hulu. Happy "shameless entertainment" time!

P.S. Two other ABC comedies worth watching: Modern Family!! (if you not IN LOVE with this show already, then watch it now and you will be hooked... just good TV) and Happy Endings (a cute comedy trying to be the new "Friends," not nearly as good but still brings about a few good laughs).

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