Happy Springtime, all! It's the first day of Spring so smile and prepare yourself to be" twitterpated."
This season is always so delightful, truly a favorite; green popping up everywhere, flowers blooming, beautiful days, crisp weather while still being sunny. Everything just feels fresh, like each day has the potential to be that new beginning we have all been waiting for. And that's the beauty of it... it can be the perfect excuse to kick your butt in gear. Get your spring cleaning done... because it's Spring and time to refresh yourself with clean air and scrubbed floors. Start your marathon training and make those morning runs happen... because it's Spring and you can't say no to the lovely weather and charged energy everywhere. Make your Farmer's Market fresh meals at least twice a week... because it's Spring and time to eat healthily and only put the good stuff in your body to prepare for summer bikini season.
I can't help but think of Bambi this time of year. (On a side note, can you believe that movie was made in 1942?! What a true classic.) My favorite part is that early scene where all the animals are prancing and swooping about excited for spring and acting funny and overly happy. Nature comes back to life after hiding away all winter and there really is that special something in the air that spreads like wildfire smothering everything with energy, vitality, and that little thing called love. Spring Fever they call it. Get ready ladies and gents, watch your back, or maybe your dog because we all know that animal instincts kick in especially when the season encourages it, everyone is out to live life and love it this time of year. Get ready to be "twitterpated" (reference to Bambi, not the social networking site, see videos below). Springtime is all good and wonderful in my book, though. I cannot get enough of this beautiful season and cannot wait to dive in head first and full force. Bring on the magical air and super-charged energy, I am ready for Spring!
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